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neutron lifetime log - диаграмма импульсного нейтронного каротажа; метод импульсного нейтронного каротажа; нейтронный импульсный каротаж

Англо-русский словарь технических аббревиатур. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое 'NLL' в других словарях:

Nhl Betting Forum

  • NLL — is an abbreviation for: Two unrelated lacrosse leagues by the name of National Lacrosse League: National Lacrosse League, a current league formed in 1987 National Lacrosse League (1974 75) Northern Lakes League, a Northwest Ohio High School… … Wikipedia

  • NLL — National Lacrosse League National Lacrosse League Fondé 1986 Nombre d équipe 13 Pays États Unis Canada Champions en … Wikipédia en Français

  • NLL — Die National Lacrosse League (NLL) ist die professionelle Hallenlacrosse Liga in Nordamerika, die bis 1997 unter dem Namen Major Indoor Lacross League (MILL) operierte. Die Liga wurde 1986 gegründet und besteht aus 13 Teams, drei aus Kanada und… … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • NLL — National Lacrosse League (Community » Sports) * Northern Limit Line (Academic & Science » Ocean Science) * Nullagine, Western Australia, Australia (Regional » Airport Codes) … Abbreviations dictionary

  • NLL — nonlymphoblastic leukemia … Medical dictionary

  • NLL — National Lending Library (for Science and Technology) ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms

  • nll — ISO 639 3 Code of Language ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living Language Name : Nihali … Names of Languages ISO 639-3

  • NLL — National Lending Library (for Science and Technology) ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms von A bis Z

  • NLL — Nice Little Lady … Glossary of chat acronyms & text shorthand

  • NLL — Numeri Luci libertae … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions

  • NLL — abbr. Negative Logic Level … Dictionary of abbreviations